
How Much Money Does 1 Shower Cost

Ever asked yourself merely how much energy you lot're using to power those late-night Netflix marathons? Or wondered what's more economical - a soak in the tub or a long shower?

To answer those questions and show where y'all could exist making energy savings, we've broken down the cost of powering central parts of our daily routines*.

Nosotros may take literally saved you the energy.


Cartoon, Illustration, Water, Turquoise, Long hair, Pattern,

If yous're non a morn person, chances are, standing under the shower is the only thing that makes yous feel vaguely human being first affair. But what'due south the energy cost of spending those actress few minutes procrastinating?

The Energy Saving Trust (EST) water free energy figurer estimates that taking an 8-infinitesimal shower with a standard mixer shower head will price you lot around 11p a fourth dimension. This is £41 a year, before water and sewerage bills, if yous shower one time a day, every day. Change that up to a power shower and you're talking approximately 18p per shower and £67 a year.

An easy way to reduce this cost is by spending just i minute less in the shower each day. This tin shave up to £7 off your energy bills each year, per person, according to Smart Energy. Using a h2o-efficient shower head tin reduce this even further.

This is only a guide though - costs will alter depending on blazon of shower and water temperature. To go on rails of what your showers are costing you, consider getting smart meters installed, which British Gas will do free of charge. They come up with an energy monitor that lets you see how much your free energy use - including those morning time showers - is costing in most real-time.

Styling your hair

Hair dryer, Pink, Material property,

For iii minutes of blow-drying with a 2,200 watt hair dryer, y'all're looking at a cost of one.6p. That's just over £3 a yr on hot air if y'all use your hair dryer around four times a week. While information technology'south a relatively small free energy cost, there are still ways to use less, from replacing one-time models with new energy efficient, low-wattage versions, to letting your 'do dry naturally from time to time. Your pilus will thank you for it too.

Making cups of tea

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It'southward pretty much our national pastime but what does it cost united states of america? If it takes around 4.v minutes to boil a full two-litre iii,000 watt kettle, that'due south a toll of only over 3p a fourth dimension. If you lot practise this twice a day (the national boilerplate, according to the EST's Powering the Nation report), you'll spend around £24 a yr.

But you lot can reduce the free energy used and your annual energy nib by only boiling the amount of h2o you need rather than filling the kettle to the top each time.


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Ovens utilise different levels of free energy depending on the temperature they're set to. On a medium to high heat, we've causeless the average electric oven uses 2,400 watts. So, the cost of using information technology for an 60 minutes is 34p. And using your oven for i hr every 24-hour interval will price y'all £124 over a year.

Y'all tin reduce those energy costs by cooking food in batches (don't waste material that shelf space) and choosing the most free energy efficient cooking method, where appropriate - the microwave uses the least, followed past the hob, and so the oven.

Watching Television receiver

Wallpaper, Wall, Yellow, Room, Design, Pattern, Floor, Interior design, Wood, Beige,

Y'all get home, sit down down in front of the Goggle box and suddenly information technology's five hours later and you've almost watched a full box-fix. It depends on the type and size of screen you accept, but taking a 30-inch, eighty watt LCD screen, that five hours of watching your Tv set volition cost you lot about 6p, or £21 annually. Add together your set-top box to that and your annual usage cost goes up to £29.

This seems fairly inexpensive, but information technology'southward important to be aware of how much free energy leaving these devices on standby is using besides. On average, Britain households spend £30 a year powering appliances left in standby manner, according to the EST. And so, from an energy savings perspective and a full general safety standpoint, it's always a good idea to plough your TV off at the wall earlier going to bed.

Smart meters will besides aid yous go along track of those hidden costs from devices left on standby.

Doing the washing

Violet, Purple, Product, Material property, Font, Technology, Circle, Graphic design, Square,

If y'all have a 1,200 watt washing machine and you put it on for a 1 hour cycle, it would cost yous 17p. If y'all were to put a launder on five times a week, that would mean an almanac energy cost of £45. But you can cut down on the energy used significantly by reducing the temperature to 30 degrees and fully loading the car instead of doing one-half loads.

Charging your phone

Electronics, Technology, Electronic device, Gadget, Ipod, Font, Portable media player, Mobile phone accessories, Mobile phone, Smartphone,

You can terminate feeling so guilty near leaving your phone on charge all night – it's not driving up your free energy bills while you slumber. According to a The states written report, the average phone uses iii.68 watts of ability while information technology's charging (which takes around two hours) and 2.24 watts when charged but nevertheless plugged in. And then, to charge your phone from empty costs 0.1p. And if y'all exit information technology plugged in all dark, even subsequently it's completely charged, it would just cost you effectually 0.3p.

One matter to watch, nonetheless, is charging your phone while information technology's in a case, as sure styles of instance may generate excess heat, which tin can affect battery capacity.

Taking a relaxing bath

Bathtub, Bathing, Water, Illustration, Clip art, Jacuzzi, Art,

Finally, if yous need a relaxing bath after all that working out, it will toll around 16p to run a standard-size 80 litre bath, before water and sewerage costs, co-ordinate to the EST's h2o free energy reckoner. This means a long soak uses more than free energy than the boilerplate shower. That's why information technology'due south recommended that you swap baths for showers - the EST estimates that if everyone in a family of 4 swapped one of their baths for a five-minute shower every calendar week, the family would save up to £25 a year on their gas bill.

Of course our workings out are based on causeless average usage and typical ability rates. Getting a smart meter with British Gas tin can help you proceed an eye on how much free energy you're using and what it's costing y'all.

If you lot are a British Gas customer and would like to check if you are eligible for a costless installation on your smart meter, or if yous would like to switch to British Gas, please visit the website

* To gauge the energy costs, we calculated the daily free energy consumption of each device using the following formula: (Wattage 10 hours used per day) ÷ thou = daily kilowatt-hr (kWh) consumption. Then, to find the daily cost to run the appliance we used this formula: daily kWh consumption ten utility rate per kWh** = daily toll to run appliance.

** Based on the Energy Saving Trust's average electricity rate of xiv.37 pence/kWh

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